
Sometimes when i'm bored I like writing and this article is very usefull for my noted because I often forget what I learned, maybe my article is not good like medium or but it's still worth for your read.

Firman Justisio Lestari

What's git stash?

Git stash is one of features from Git Version Control, you can use this feature for saving your work temporally on your device without committing.

#Git#Version Control#Tips and Trick

Sunday, June 11 2023   (2 years ago)

Firman Justisio Lestari

How to merge or modify type on Typescript

Typescript is static type programming language, in here I will show you how to modify type. For modify I will use Omit, it's one of utility types on Typescript.

#Typescript#Tips and Trick

Friday, February 17 2023   (2 years ago)

Firman Justisio Lestari

Better way to handle multiple task on Flutter / Dart

Concurrency, in computer science concurrency is a the abillity to dealing with lots or multiple things at once. By using concurrency we can increase performance and speed application, in this article we will try implement to Flutter / Dart.

#Flutter#Dart#Mobile App#Concurrency

Tuesday, August 16 2022   (3 years ago)

Firman Justisio Lestari

CSS Function min(), max(), and clamp() is Incredible

Website responsive is a thing to do if you be Web Developer, on making a website become responsive have many methods one of them is using these functions, but you still need media query and etc cause this function is great but it is not enough. Even so, it's still worth learning.


Thursday, July 28 2022   (3 years ago)

Firman Justisio Lestari

How I Make my GitHub Profile Look Cool With Markdown

Is it my first article on this site, what I write in this article ? About github profile and markdown, more precisely make your github more cool. In this article you just do step for to get the gol, is easy. With github profile you can describe yourself and your skill in github.


Thursday, October 28 2021   (3 years ago)