How I Make my GitHub Profile Look Cool With Markdown
-- Thursday, October 28 2021 | 2 years ago --
Firman Justisio Lestari
Is it my first article on this site. I hope you can be helped with my article. And for the first time I want to write about Github profile because yesterday I try to change my GitHub profile and is it make my GitHub profile look so cool, and how make it so easy. For example, I will use my second GitHub account.
Create your repository, but make sure the name repository same as username github, and don't forget check Add a README file. The readme on repository is the file what we setting for github profile, if all done click create the repository.
First time create a repository you will get this. Now you can start editing your readme, for creating a cool github profile you just need this file. README is file markdown, what is markdown ? Markdown is a lightweight markup language, from markdown can processed to html, so can I write html on markdown ? Yes you can, but markdown has their own method and format for writing. Back to editing markdown, you will see an example on your readme, try removing the comment and just leave the first sentence and list with emoticon. After that you can commit your changes, and go to your github profile.
It's cool right ? Yes, first time using this feature I feel it to. But is not enough, your github profile is still too boring, you can add images, GIFs, or badges to describe yourself and make your github profile cool. If confused you can see my mine readme or if you are too lazy to make it, you can duplicate my mine.
It is I use
Go to Repository
<div align="center"> <img src="" width="170" height="170"> </div> <br> ## Helo, I'm [Firman Justisio Lestari!]( 👋 - 🔭 I’m currently working on Pixel Dev Factory. - 🌱 I’m focused on Mobile Development. - 👨💻 I’m mostly use programming language <b>Dart</b> with framework <b>Flutter</b> - 💬 Ask me about Flutter or any tech-related stuff. - 📫 How to contact me: [contact me]( - ⚡ Fun fact: I love coffee ☕ <br> [![Linkedin: firmanlestari](]( [![GitHub zeetec20](]( [![website](]( <p align="left"> <img src="" alt="zeetec20" /> </p> <br> **Languages and Tools:** <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <code><img height="20" src=""></code> <br> **Github Stats:** <a href=""> <img align="center" src="" alt="Firman github stats"/> </a> <br> <br> **Most Used Language:** <a href=""> <img align="center" src="" /> </a>